Category: Uncategorised

Gill Plumtree

We are extremely sad to announce that Gill Plumtree, CAODS’ President has peacefully passed away . Gill became a member of CAODS in 1975 and was our President for the last 19 years. She was very proud to say that between her and...

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Christopher Yorke-Edwards

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of our cherished life member, Christopher Yorke-Edwards. Christopher was a dedicated member of our company and a friend and mentor to many within the caods family....

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Muriel Sampson

We are said to share the news of the passing of Muriel Sampson in late September 2023. Muriel was associated with caods since 1952 and was also involved with CYGAMS, including assisting in many summer school productions for...

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Lynette Sullivan

It is with the greatest of sadness that we have to inform you that Lynette Sullivan, a much-loved member of the CAODS family passed away on Friday 7 April.   Lynette has been a life-member and a member of caods for 50 years;...

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Award Wins

caods are thrilled to announce that ‘Shrek-The Musical‘ has won both the Best Musical in NODA District 8 and the Best Production Shield in District 8 for 2020/2021. We are so pleased and thankful to everyone involved in this...

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Audiences Say…

“It was amazing! so professional & the choreography was as good as anything I have seen”

— Audience Member, A Chorus Line